Take a random class just for fun.
Dave Ramsey’s Financial Peace University.
My goal is to be debt-free in 2 years. Wish me luck!
No, not luck, discipline!!
Take a random class just for fun.
Posted by Miss Taken at 11:57 AM 6 comments
Labels: Dave Ramsey, Financial Peace, Thing 10
Way back in the beginning of January I blogged about writing to "Any Soldier". You can read more on that here.
Well folks, I've heard back! Real mail is so much fun. When I looked in the mail slot and saw the handwritten envelope marked "FREE MAIL" I knew right away what it was. I resisted all excitement within me that wanted to rip open the envelope and read the letter right then and there. Instead, I waited till I was sitting on my couch, ready to meet my new friend.
I'm really happy to have heard back from my soldier. It looks as though we will be able to communicate via email now - my have the times changed!
I think the only blow I got to my happiness was by my good friend's question "so, is this like gonna be a friend? Or could it be something else?" It was like a punch in the stomache. You see, when I first sent my letter to a random soldier, I had a guy friend basically say the same thing only more in a teasing fashion, like, "I know what that means!" Really? REALLY? Does anyone even know me? After the response yesterday I just flat out said that I find that really offensive. I don't do nice things with a hidden agenda. For all anyone knows my soldier is a woman! It really bothers me that writing a soldier means I'm trying to pick someone up. Right, 'cause someone stationed in a dangerous area is so much more appealing than someone I could find in my everyday life. Not saying it doesn't happen but...well...yes I am, for me! ha!
Laying all those rude comments aside, I have a penpal and I'm really thrilled!
"Thing 1" = success!
Posted by Miss Taken at 9:29 AM 5 comments
Posted by Miss Taken at 5:06 PM 5 comments
Posted by Miss Taken at 5:11 PM 1 comments
My life is full of randoms. Random statements, random happenings, random friends, random everythings.
Random statements like when I co-worker tells me that if he could be an angel he would be one that rescued people and brought justice to wrong-doers. To which I responded "so you'd be the Chuck Norris of angels?" Note to self: Maybe you should start speaking like an adult. But then again, life wouldn't be nearly as much fun.
Or even better yet, random statements like earlier today when a co-worker asked me if the local jail had conjugal visits.
Random happenings like finding poop on the bottom of my shoes today while home for lunch. Quickly I changed into a different pair of shoes only to find out that they too had walked through poop somewhere, at some point... but where? I don't own a dog and I couldn't find dog dookie in my yard when I went out and looked. It's not my cats because they are clean and are actually the ones who pointed out the poop to me in the first place. Awesome. Random poop on the bottom of my shoes. Fantastic, guess I'll be washing two pairs of shoes tonight.
Random friends like the ones I see but once a year and still manage to send me thoughtful notes and gifts at the perfect time. Or even better yet the ones that I never see and then when I do see them it's massively awkward because we once were close but no longer are. And then the random friends that you instantly connect with and it seems that you've been friends your whole life. Seasons change, people change; and all of it interests me.
To tell you the truth, I don't have anything to share for the "random everythings" column. I must have been being dramatic or something when I typed that. I'm not going to lie, I have nothing for ya on that one.
Posted by Miss Taken at 5:33 PM 7 comments
Make totally homemade bread, like Amish people or something.
Well said, right?
I am domesticated like nobodies business. While most little girls were dreaming of independence and working, I was dreaming about homemaking and all that came with it. My Mother taught me well. I was raised with an understanding that I'm not hopeless and probably *will* be stuck doing a lot of things on my own as an adult (well played, Mom) but real delight comes in crafting things with your own two hands. Bread was something I had never attempted before. Out of all of the baking and cooking I've done in my life, I had never made actual bread before! Actual bread, in my mind, is bread made with yeast and done by hand. Bread machines don't count - as I've made dozens upon dozens of loaves in there. And banana breads etc do not count because, well, they are super simple and they also require no yeast.
On Friday night all of my Saturday plans were canceled. A walking date and a single-girls chocolate-tasting party were all canceled because my friends came down with illnesses. Bummer dude. With an entire Saturday open - it was time to bake!
Posted by Miss Taken at 11:48 PM 7 comments
Labels: homemade bread, Thing 9
Japanese for: a sigh; deep breath
That's how my week is going. Not that I have anything to complain about; it's just life. My taxes have been filed so I no longer need to plain out how I'm going to get that done. And I still have leftover ribs from yesterday. Double bonus!
I've been thinking a lot lately about my childhood friendships. Perhaps I mentioned that on a past blog, I'm pretty sure I did. Anyway, I have been blessed with some serious characters in my life. As I sat in my house last night and thought about how much I'd love someone to help me organize the chaos of my dining room, the only person I could settle on wanting was my childhood best friend, Naomi.
You see, I was a messy kid. My room was a pigsty. I couldn't keep that thing cleaned and organized ever. And I mean EVER. When I was 8 my Mother had a bone marrow transplant and as a result she couldn't be around dust or germs AT ALL, during her recovery. I came home to an empty house. Other than books and a few toys that could be washed and saved, everything was packed in the garage or attic, or it had been thrown out or taken by the family and friends who cleaned the house for us - including pictures, which sucks because I know that a lot of pictures from before that time were split among other people...meaning, I missed out on a lot of historical pictures of my family. Whatever, point being, I had pretty much nothing. We started over. Sometimes life does that to you.
As a kid you accumulate a lot. I brought things home, was given things, was handed down things...I wasn't lacking. I may never have had new things, but I had "things" none the less! And some of those "things" I still have to this day. Yikes.
Some people are good at purging belongings. I fail at this. Maybe it's because I wasn't given the chose 24 years ago, but I refuse to use that as a crutch. I have moved 6 or 7 times in my adult life. Prior to that, in my dependant life (read: the first 18 years on earth) we never moved house. My parents got married and LIVED in the house that my Dad still resides at. That's a lot of crap build up! And now, 14 years after I first left my parent's home, I now am getting all of my junk in one place. It's finally ready to be sorted through.
Where do you even start?
That's where Naomi would be great. She ROCKED at this sort of thing. Any time that I was grounded and couldn't go outside till my room was clean, Naomi was the friend that came over and did it for me! No lie. What kind of jerk friend was I? I did the cooking, Naomi did the organizing and we both did the washing. That's a true friend.
Now I get home at the end of a long day and the last thing I want to deal with is a box that contains everything from random candles and notes, to journals and random bits of paper. I hate it. It's the thorn in my side. It's that THING in your life that you want dealt with but you don't want to deal with it!
How did this rabbit trail even start? I have no clue!
What I DO know, is that I need to get Dawson's Creek over to my friend's house tonight. She needs Season 4, stat! And no, it's not Naomi that needs it.
Posted by Miss Taken at 7:08 PM 5 comments
Tonight I dine on ribs. I'm a gal who loves meat and I have been looking forward to ribs all week. I shall devour ribs and catch up on The Bachelor. Oh what a glorious evening!
Posted by Miss Taken at 5:56 PM 3 comments
Go ice skating.
Posted by Miss Taken at 11:48 AM 2 comments
Labels: ice skating, Thing 8
Plant a tree in Nelson's (or Areba's) name.
Posted by Miss Taken at 11:01 AM 2 comments
Labels: planting trees, Thing 7
Okay, for being a blog that primarily was to focus on writing I have not talked about books in a long while! I shall remedy that starting....now!
My writing style is different from most. Obviously. I think everyone writes differently; just as everyone studies differently. My sister graduated Law School by blasting music, whereas when I am in a focused mode I like silence. In traffic jams or snow storms you will find me in an absolutely quiet car. No lie. When it comes to writing, I find that the moment I am focused on what I am doing, all else (apart from the Bible) falls away. I cannot even look at a book. It's not that I hate them, it's just that I have a fear that they will somehow taint me. Books that I gravitate to are very similar to how I'd write and I don't want them to change the true flavor of what I'm trying to express.
Posted by Miss Taken at 1:21 AM 2 comments
I feel like I woke up ready to tackle the day; ready to blog all about yesterday with vigor. But then Thursday pimp-slapped me in the face and said "Bite me!"
I'm going to go home and wallow; basking the in the crapiness that was my day. Reminding myself that, yes, someone really did say "I'm going to pray for you to find a husband because you need someone to bring discipline to your life." Pondering back over the words that I suck because I'm single and somehow that makes me a failure - as if somehow I'd missed the memo that I was single? I'll possibly spend some time thinking about people who have it really easy, financially, and how many of them have no clue what it's like to be strapped at times; oh, and how not having a brand new car seems more like a status symbol than that of being a wise choice financially.
Today was a day of non-encouraging words. That's always fun, especially when you barely made it through yesterday (which was a normal day to most, but to SOME it may have been the anniversary of when their Mother died). You know just the usual.
I'll dust myself off and stand up again, because that's what I always do.
I'll believe that tomorrow will be a better day - all the while knowing that I'm basically just holding on and waiting for the weekend. Come Saturday I will start regaining my momentum. As for today, not so much.
Posted by Miss Taken at 6:25 PM 2 comments