Saturday, February 4, 2012

Thing 7

Plant a tree in Nelson's (or Areba's) name.

I may just give myself a half-credit on this one, as I'd love to physically plant trees at some point this year. But oh well.  For my friend's 32nd birthday I researched and found a great organization to donate some money to.  You donate money, they plant trees to rebuild forests that have been somehow devastated; whether by man or by nature.  It's winter in the Midwest, so planting trees myself, not gonna happen.  But when I found this organization who could plant 25 trees with a donation, I jumped on it! 
Nelson is the name of my friend's side-kick, a pug.  Nelson was just a smiley happy little guy who lived only 6 short years.  Saying goodbye to him was the hardest thing my friend had ever done.  I thought what better gift could I give, or buy, than the gift of planting trees in his memory?  So that's what I did.  And then two days later I realized that we had it as a "thing"!

Opening up the certificate that I'd framed (myself) for her made her cry right away, and I wasn't expecting it to make ME cry too!  What the heck?  It was so great being able to bless her like that, and being able to remember a little guy who wasn't just someones pet, he was family, and will be forever loved and missed.


Lily Cate said...

I love trees. I really wanted to plant one at the cottage here, but we have all these big ol' oaks - which I loooove! but then I can't really plant anything else....

I should plant a tree for Lux. He would have thought that was awesome, because he thought everything we did was awesome. Pets are great like that.

Miss Taken said...

So true. This morning I yelled for Beans "BEANS, GET THE BUG!" He tore into the bathroom like a bat out of hell and attacked the mean ol' spider and ate it for me. It made his whole day. Seriously, I went home for lunch and he's still walking around all macho and proud. I love my kiddos.