The blizzard of '11 hit Southern Wisconsin hard and when I woke up on Wednesday even my front door was laughing at me... (click to see picture in full glory)
Grand total that fell overnight: 23.2 inches. Snow drifts anywhere from 1-8 feet tall. Yowzah!
Hah, it isn't laughing at you, it's smiling! Have you seen that pic in situ on your blog? The effect of the semi-transparent fram couple with the back ground makes it seem as if there's a magnificent sunrise outside your door. The effect is quite striking! : j
Oh wow, you're right! How brilliant is that? I love it when you look at something and don't see what's really there, then when it's pointed out to you it creates an entirely different picture. Thanks for sharing that!
Having just talked about this, you HAVE to check out this post from a fellow blogger, it's the same thing!
Nodnod, I've seen his work before. Neat eh? : j
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Sorry for the link barrage... It's just the kind of thing I post on my blog so I keep on eye out for it. : j
Thanks for sharing! Some of those are so incredible that it's unbelievable. I would LOVE to be the person that is painting for one of those projects. How cool would THAT be? :)
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