Friday, September 2, 2011


I logged on to Blogger to write something amazing. 
I ended up getting distracted by updates from friends about their adventures; coupled with beautiful pictures of their babies and daily lives.  In short, total distraction.

I cut my own bangs last night.  Feeling adventurous I googled "how to cut your own bangs" and then I went and did it.  Success.  I mean, I like them anyway.

Also, my baby girl has been "fixed". 
Now she lounges around waiting for her repairs to heal.

Admit it, she's freaking adorable.  She can't help it, she was made that way.

Happy Labor Day Weekend, Friends!  I'm suffering from poor-dom, so my plans are to remain at home watching "Sex and the City" and writing Saturday and Monday.  Sunday I will emerge from my caccoon for church and work but that's about it.

Any fun "goings on" in your life this holiday break?


Avo said...

She is cute, and she looks related to our Guu. : j
Sounds like pretty chill weekend you got laid out for yourself!

We're going on road trip, southwards bound! Read you in a week! : j

Tina said...

I can't wait to see your bangs. Bangs are awesome and I'm pretty sure I'm never going back to "without bangs Tina" It's been over 3 months since I've done anything with my eyebrows, and I owe that to my bangs... well that and my laziness. But mostly, it's the bangs...

BeeKay said...

"Bangs" is a funny word for bangs.

Miss Taken said...

Ha ha ha!

Alesa - hope your trip was a fun one!

Tina - I didn't go full out/all across bangs. I'm glad I didn't. I wanted to but something made me stop and I'm soo grateful for it. Why? Bangs are frickin HOT! They made my forehead feel like it's wearing snowpants. Yuck. I'm too wussie for that jazz.

BK - I'm laughing because I agree!