Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Beans with No Nuts...

My little 5 month old, Beans, is getting his business chopped today (as I type).  Beans is my kitten.  He's a cuddly teddy bear and I freaking love him.  I dropped him off this morning and the doctor embarrassed him by searching (once again) for his business.  Uno.  They have to go into his abdomen with another incision and find his other man-bit.  Poor guy felt like less than a man's man in front of the woman doctor.  *sigh*  After today, I'll have Beans with no nuts.  No nuts and a shaved belly.


Lily Cate said...

Hysterical, and yet... disgusting.

Cheers for Beans - heal up quick little guy.
I haven't even met him yet.
What is going on with that??

Avo said...

How is the magic Beans doing?

Be careful if you ever put him in the yard... Next thing you know you up in the clouds (again) dodging giants. : j

Anonymous said...

I wish they would have accepted the nuts he brought in his pockets. Then he wouldn't have to be coney right now.